Friday, December 7, 2012

Game Drawing

Game Drawing 

Overall I thought this art piece wasn't one of my best.  I liked the process of the piece though, even thought the outcome could have been better.  I feel that this perspective piece was successful, but there were areas that could use more work.  What worked was the colors and the reality of the perspective.  I used a light watercolor wash then color pencils to overlap and bend in the colors.  What didn't work was the overall composition of the art and the gradation between the colors. I feel that I should have used colors to highlight areas.  If  I was able to do this project over I would plan ahead more and use different colors.  The most difficult part was using my eye instead of using a ruler to align were the objects would be placed. This was the hardest part because everything had to lead to the vanishing point which takes time and practice. I would also put in more shadows and define the horizon line more to make this piece better.  I learned that the process of creating pieces are more important than the final product.

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