Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chalk Mural Critique

Self evaluation (must write at least 3 sentences for each question)

1. Explain your experience working on a team and executing your ideas for the mural.
I liked the experience of working with my group.  It was very interesting hearing from everyone and the ideas they all had.  Each idea was very intriguing, and it was very had to pick which idea we would choose.
2. Explain the importance of collaboration when working on a team.
It is very important working in team, because you get ideas from different people that mean different things.  Collaboration is very important because it's when a group comes together as one to make a decision.  With out collaboration there would be a lack of communication which is needed to succeed within a group.

3.  How successful was this project? Explain how and why.
This project was very successful in my eyes.  I believe this because it turned out better than expected everyone had something to do and there were all very cooperative with each other.  It was successful because we planned everything like we were in instructed to do and mapped out our ideas before attempting the final piece.

4. Explain how you feel about creating artwork that others can interact with. Ex. Involving the whole school? 
The whole interaction part is smart in my eyes.  It engages people and makes them interested in my artwork, which is the whole point of creating art.  Art is my way of expressing my feelings and i make art to inspire people.  What better way to inspire  multiple people than to get them involved. 
Print Sketch Critique

1. Why is texture so important to have in your sketches?
Texture is important in this piece especially, because were not using shading to show value.  The next best thing would be texture using lines and different patterns. 
2. Why is it necessary for you to have several references of each animal and each background? Explain.
References are necessary to avoid copying an image.  The reference you got aren't your own so you can't copy them, they are to be used as outlines or something to get you started when you are about to create a piece.

3. When you look at your sketches are you able to see which sketch is the strongest and will make the best print? How do you know this? 

When I look at my sketches I can see which parts are the strongest from each.  I'm still having a hard time choosing which sketch is the strongest out of all three.  The one that would be the strongest would contain multiple texture differences, the use of lines in place of shading and contrast between positive and negative space.

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