Friday, September 7, 2012

Vaule Study Drawings

1. Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece.
I thought that it was a good project to show how to add,  value to 2-d shapes.

2. if this was a group project, what was your contribution?

3. How successful do you feel this piece is and why?
I feel very sucessful about this project, I felt that I did my best on this piece. I tried my hardest and took my time when I was creating it.

4. What worked about this project? What didn’t work?
What worked was the blending of specific oil pastel colors which made the figures look a lot more like 3-D objects.  What didnt work was how easily the oil spread all over your fingers and the black paper.

5. If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making?
Some changes I would consider making are using different colors that work well with each other.  I would also consider changing the position of the shapes and which planes they were on.

6. What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?
The most difficult part was controlling the oil pastels and how much you put on.  Even after practicing it was still very hard to blend without geting to dark too fast.  This was the hardest because its very easy to scrible on your work but it takes time and practice to make quality art.

7. What did you learn from this piece?
I learned a good  amount of things from this one project.  I learned how to shade, blend, and how use oil pastels to make art.

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